6U Division Rules and Guidelines


Skill Emphasis for the 6U Division
The main emphasis for the 6U Division is fun, fun, fun! The very basics will be taught in a positive and fun atmosphere. Proper throwing, catching and hitting will be taught as well as the basic rules and fundamentals of the sport. The ultimate goal is to impart the beginning stages of developing a “love of the game”.
Remember that this will be the child’s first exposure to softball and she will only return the following year if the experience was positive and enjoyable. Research indicates that the longer children participate in sports, the higher their self-esteem, the higher their grades and the better behavior they exhibit. Let’s all help make the children’s first softball experience to be the best that it can be!

1. Manager - The adult responsible for the team member’s actions on the field as well as at any event at which they are directed to remain together as a team. A manager represents the team in communications with the league as required and with the opposing team. In the event the manager cannot attend a game or event or must leave during a game, the manager will designate a coach as “acting manager”. The manager is to direct playing activities, training, discipline and conduct of all team members.

2. Assistant Coach/Coaches - In addition to the manager, each team may have an assistant coach or coaches who will function as a member of the managing staff. Note – the manager and assistant coach/coaches must complete a Live Scan screening per PAL.

3. Chaperone - If the manager or the assistant coach is not an adult female, the manager must designate an adult female as the chaperone. The chaperone will attend all team functions to ensure the safety of the team members. If the chaperone cannot attend, or must leave early from a team function, she must designate an acting chaperone.

4. Regulation Game – A League scheduled game is sixty minutes. Any inning started prior to the sixty-minute time limit will be completed. Games shall end 15 minutes prior to the next scheduled game regardless of innings completed.

5. Home Team The home team is the first team on defense in all games and will use the 3rd base dugout. The home team is responsible for preparation of the playing field.

6. Visiting Team
The visiting team is the first team on offense and will use the 1st base dugout. The visiting team is responsible for clearing the field of trash and equipment as required. After the last game of the day, will ensure all applicable equipment is returned to the equipment storage area and trashcans are dumped in dumpster and stored.

Playing Field
1. The 6U Division shall utilize 50’ base distances, either permanent or throw down bases.
2. The 6U Division shall utilize a 30’ pitchers plate distance for positioning of defensive player and coach pitcher when utilized.

1. Any bat meeting the requirements of SEC.1.A-L in the ASA Rule book is an official bat for league play, even if the bat is labeled “Little League” or “Tee-Ball”.
2. The 6U Division shall utilize a 10” safety (soft) ball (i.e. incredi-ball).
3. No catcher’s equipment will be issued to 6U Division teams. The defensive team will provide an adult “catcher” in their half of each inning.

The Game
1. Each team shall position all players on the field while on defense. No game will be called for lack of players. As agreed upon by both managers prior to the start of the game, players may be borrowed from the opposing team.
2. Each team member must play at least one inning in the infield. Exceptions can be made if player safety is a concern.
3. Each team shall bat continuously (all players bat in their offensive half of each inning) through its line-up.
a. The offensive manager will announce “last batter” before the last batter starts their turn at bat.
b. When the last batter puts the ball in play, the batter and all runners will continue to run until they reach home plate.
4. A coach pitcher will deliver a maximum of five (5) pitches (foul balls count as a pitch). In the event the player does not put one of the five pitches into play, the Tee will be utilized.
a. The player positioned in the pitching circle shall play to either side of the pitcher’s plate and must remain alert.
b. If a batted ball hits the coach pitcher, the ball is dead and the pitch is replayed.
5. Once the ball is put into play, the batter and existing runners shall advance as follows:
a. One base maximum.
b. There will be no additional bases awarded for errors or overthrows.
6. The Defensive team shall attempt to put out the batter-runner or runners by force out, tag out or catching of line drives and fly balls. Defensive outs shall be credited to the defensive team but the offensive player shall remain on base. Outs will not be counted and score will not be kept.
7. Defensive coaches may be on the field during play but must move to the outfield, beyond the defensive players, prior to offensive player hitting off of the Tee or a pitch delivered by the coach pitcher.

Remember – HAVE FUN and BE SAFE!!!